Parish Trustees
Trustees are appointed by the Pastor. Our current Trustees are Bernard Hesse and Peter Nguyen
Parish Finance Council
Members of the Parish Finance Council are appointed by the Pastor to oversee the parish finances and budget. Meetings are held quarterly. The current Council Chair is Patricia Frankenfield.
Council of Catholic Women
This organization is affiliated with the national CCW organization, which empowers women to assist in parish needs, prayer, providing church and altar supplies, hosting various functions, receptions, and funeral luncheons. All women of the parish are welcome to belong. CCW President: Vicki Hesse 651-642-9090
Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration
For more than 20 years, St. Columba has been blessed to have Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration. Parishioner and non-parishioner are asked to sign up to sit one hour with our Lord each week. Sign up forms are available in the chapel. Anyone who cannot sign up for an hour is encouraged to stop by for personal prayer time. Adoration Coordinators: Carol Hansen 651-646-0371 or Lynne Brown 651-487-7782
Lay & Extraordinary Ministry
Serving the Lord is both a privilege and responsibility of believers who are part of a community of believers. Please consider giving your time as a Mass Server (boys or girls), Eucharistic Minister, Lector, Sacristan, or Usher. The schedule is prepared quarterly. Please contact the parish office if you are interested in serving our parish in this capacity.
Adults and Children (grades 4 and up) are invited to participate as choir members or musical instrumentalists. Choir members sing three times per month at the 9:00am Mass and for special services during Lent/Easter and Advent/Christmas seasons. Practice is held on Monday evenings at 7:00pm. Contact Joanne Whalen at 651-645-9179 for more information.
Loaves and Fishes
The second Friday of each month St. Columba serves the evening meal for those in need at Dorothy Day Center in Downtown St. Paul. Volunteers arrive at 3:30pm for food prep and meal service. Clean up is usually complete by 6:00pm Contact Bernie Hesse 651-642-9090
Adult Volleyball
The adult Volleyball League runs September through April and meets in the school gymnasium on Friday evenings. Sign up begins in early September and space is limited. The cost is $20 per person for the season. Contact Dave Dahl 651-645-9411